Grandparents Day Celebration at Trail Dust Town Brings Generations Together

Tucson residents celebrated Grandparents Day in style this Sunday at a special event held at Trail Dust Town. The event, organized by local nonprofit Young at Heart Together, offered a day full of activities aimed at honoring and connecting grandparents with their families.

Grandparents were treated to free admission to Trail Dust Town, where they enjoyed a variety of festivities, including live music, crafts, face painting, a raffle, and a lively family dance party.

The celebration aimed to highlight the vital role grandparents play in both family life and the broader community.

“Grandparents Day is such an important day,” Said Joanna Wilson-Urbina, Director and Co-founder of Young at Heart Together. “A time to celebrate those special people in our lives who play such an important role in our society. They’re educators, they’re our caretakers, they’re our wisdom-keepers.”

Young at Heart Together is dedicated to fostering meaningful connections between youth and older adults. The organization hosts a variety of activities, such as grandparent-grandchild craft days at the Drawing Studio and visits to local assisted living facilities, to build intergenerational relationships.

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