Local Mexican Restaurant Hit With 23 Health Code Violations

There are bad restaurant health inspections, and then there are BAD restaurant health inspections. The vast majority of establishments are well maintained, and even when one or two violations are discovered the issues are corrected on the spot. That, however, isn’t the case with one local Tucson restaurant, as it was cited for a whopping 23 violations. One of the highest number of violations discovered this calendar year (if not in a few years), it’s a warning sign for consumers. One or two violations can be accidental or bad luck. But 23? That’s a management issue. 

On August 31, Mariscos Chihuahua was visited by a health inspector at 3901 South 6th Avenue here in Tucson. With the 23 identified violations, the restaurant was instantly placed on probation. The first series of problems were identified with the handwashing sinks of the restaurant. The sink was being used to clean and rinse wash clothes, and it did not have paper towels or soap. The handwashing sinks are for handwashing only, though having actual soap and towels on hand is also a must.

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