Finding the line between antisemitism and anti-Zionism – on a bumper sticker

The blurry line between anti-Zionism and antisemitism is particularly hard to see when someone is shouting at you, defacing your car or spitting in your face. Consider the case of Tony Zinman.

Zinman, 57, is a juvenile public defender in Tucson, Arizona, and a Democrat who has been active in political campaigns since he was a teenager. He also sings in his synagogue choir and  started a nonprofit called Tucson Jews for Justice to oppose former President Donald Trump’s immigration policies. Since Oct. 7, he’s led rallies for Israeli hostages in Gaza, written pro-Israel articles in local papers and spoken against ceasefire resolutions at city council meetings.


The back of his silver 2016 Kia Soul — license plate OYVEY1 — has long been a billboard for who Zinman is and what he cares about. “Reading is sexy,” is one of its many bumper stickers.  “Driver Singing Use Caution,” reads another. A rainbow flag captioned “I’m an ally”; slogans supporting gun control and reproductive rights; a paean professing devotion to dogs.

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