Prominent Tucson Pizza Restaurant Fails 2nd Heath Inspection in a Month

Restaurants are given a surprising number of chances to pass health inspections. Even if they perform poorly during an initial annual visit, they are given as many opportunities to pass as necessary. Outside of extreme conditions, where visitors are in imminent danger of ingesting dangerous ingredients, a restaurant will remain open. One local pizza and Italian restaurant here in Tucson has now had its inspection twice in less than one month. Despite this, the restaurant continued to remain open and did nothing to address the repetitive problems. 

Health inspectors visiting Scordato’s Pizzeria has become a regular occurrence at the restaurant, as four inspections have taken place over the last month, and that number will only continue. Back on August 12, the restaurant at 4911 North Stone Avenue was visited for its standard frequency inspection. This inspection is typically performed once a year, although at times a second inspection might be performed over the course of twelve months. In general, though, restaurants are left up to their own devices. Especially if they have a proven track record of excellent inspection performances. 

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