Oro Valley addresses golf course dust concerns, residents say it’s not enough

Despite recent efforts by the town of Oro Valley to address ongoing dust concerns at the El Conquistador golf course, residents fell it still doesn’t address the main concern of health.

Mike Zinkin, a resident living near the 5th hole of the course, attended the Oro Valley Town Council meeting on September 18, alongside several concerned neighbors. They hoped their concerns about excessive dust, particularly during storms and windy days, would be addressed, despite the agenda item being removed during the meeting with no period for public input.

“The town manager decided what they were going to do without citizen or council input, but we were still pretty happy. We were finally enough of a ‘greasy wheel’ to get some attention,” Zinkin said.

Zinkin and others have raised health concerns for months due to the dust blowing from the course.

As part of Oro Valley’s ongoing efforts to conserve water and reduce potable water usage, the town previously cut back on irrigated turf near several tee boxes and fairways at the El Conquistador Golf Course.

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