Forget your car keys; Cyclovia is this weekend

We all have those days where we have to turn back around because we forgot our car keys. But on Sunday, at Cyclovia Tucson , leave your keys at home.

This car-free event encourages folks to walk, bike, skate, or any physical form of transportation from downtown Tucson to South Tucson.

Living Streets Alliance is a nonprofit that helps organize this event.

“It’s nice to experience what it’s like when we can slow down and actually be outside of our cars, and meet one another and find that we have a lot in common,” said Emily Yetman, director of Living Streets Alliance.

There’s a group of women, Reinas Who Hike, leading walks throughout the event for anyone to join.

“We will come together at Luna y Sol Cafe at the top of every hour, we’re going to have a different Reina lead a hike, in this case, a walk, at Cyclovia,” said Cassandra Becerra, one of the Reinas. Athena Kehoe
‘Reinas Who Hike’ can be spotted Sunday with their neon green hats and matching shirts.

Here is a full map displaying the 2.25-mile route.

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