The American Legion Post 102 and AMVETS Post 0770 hosted a Veterans Day ceremony and craft fair at Tucson Estates Memorial Park. Several veterans I talked with say they feel honored to see the community come together to show appreciation for their courage and sacrifice.
Next to the wall of handwritten thank you notes from children to veterans was a table filled with photos of vets and marine gear.
Spotted in one of the photos is Cris Cowan, a U.S. Marine Corps veteran who served for 24 years.
“It’s a nice, humble way to get together with people and talk about our experiences and old times,” said Cowan.
Cowan tells me this day brings up a strong feeling of remembrance.
“Of my time in and all the people I served it with,” Cowan said. “Also, some of the people that aren’t with us anymore that I served with.”
Cowan says one of his favorite memories from going overseas a second time, was when he helped his son make a very important decision.