Since its debut in 1997, South Park has become infamous for its unfiltered humor, bold social commentary, and willingness to tackle the most sensitive and controversial topics. Created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the animated series has sparked outrage, debates, and even protests over its depictions of politics, religion, and culture. Here are some of the most controversial South Park episodes that pushed boundaries and left viewers talking.
1. “Trapped in the Closet” (Season 9, Episode 12)
One of the most infamous South Park episodes, “Trapped in the Closet,” satirizes Scientology and its followers, especially Tom Cruise and John Travolta. The episode portrays Cruise and other Scientology figures in a highly critical and comedic light, with the show’s depiction of the Church of Scientology and its beliefs prompting outrage from Scientologists and their supporters. The controversy escalated when it was reported that Tom Cruise allegedly pressured the network to remove the episode. This led to protests from Scientology followers and accusations of censorship.