Spanish Trail owner speaks out after fire, addresses another potential lawsuit

The Spanish Trail Motel is one of the abandoned structures seen as “eyesores” in South Tucson that have been damaged by large fires. The structure caught fire in February last year, and again this past Sunday. The fire rekindled again with the strong winds seen Monday afternoon.

South Tucson has been taking action by enforcing the Neighborhood Preservation Ordinance, which sets safety standards for businesses in the 1.2 square mile city. “We’re investigating several properties within South Tucson, and citations have been given out, and some are pending,” said South Tucson Police Commander Raul Navarro.

The mayor of South Tucson, Roxanna Valenzuela, provided details on those citations and clarified one citation had been issued to the owner of the Tucson Greyhound Park that caught fire in May last year. Now, she said on Monday, the city is working on citing the owner of the Spanish Trail Motel…

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