Salvation Army activates emergency disaster team to bring relief to homeless in the heat

TULSA, Okla. — The Salvation Army has activated their Emergency Disaster Services team to bring relief to the homeless population who might be suffering in the heat.

They said they have opened the Center of Hope as a cooling station for anyone who needs to escape the heat., but they are also working to be out in the community to help those who need it.

FOX23 spoke with Major Carlyle Gargis on Tuesday.

“This is killer heat, this is dangerous heat  and the Salvation Army hits the streets here in Tulsa helping folks stay hydrated because it is really critical,” he said.

Gargis said with this excessive heat, the cooling center opens and the emergency disaster unit goes out into the community.

“To different homeless camps and areas where the homeless gather to, we offer some snacks and water and we pray with people,” he said.

They then provide people with the option to come back to the Center of Hope with the team.

“To see if they would come in with us back to the Salvation Army to get them off the streets and into a bed,” Gargis said.

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