‘Worth fighting for’ Family of Clayton Wooley calls for reform in DHS, courts

The family of Clayton Wooley is calling on all Oklahomans to stand up in defense of children.

His grandparents were accused of murdering and abusing Clayton’s brother, Elijah, but all of the charges were dropped. That’s when Clayton was taken away from the home.

He hasn’t been back since. 2 News listened to the family’s concerns. They say this has been a failure of our justice system and the government.

Clayton is just an arm’s length away. He’s living with guardians in Broken Arrow. Ever since his family lost him, they haven’t even talked to him.

“It’s extremely painful to know that he’s right here in our town. We know that over the years, we’re gonna run into him, he’s gonna see us, and I’m afraid he’s gonna be traumatized all over again,” Clayton’s grandmother, Lisa Wooley said.

The Wooleys accuse Clayton’s guardians of abusing and neglecting him. The person looking after Clayton is an employee of the city of Broken Arrow.

Broken Arrow police would not confirm or deny a possible investigation.

Story continues