State pulls plug on free Narcan, fentanyl test strip vending machines

Just over a year after installing 25 free Narcan and fentanyl test strip vending machines across the state, Oklahoma’s Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse calls the program too expensive to continue.

All the machines will be out of service by the end of the month. KJRH

On Sept. 16, it pulled its machine from the Tulsa Day Center, the site of the very first installation.

Day Center client Anna Stevens does not think removing the machines is a good idea.

“It has literally saved people’s lives in here,” she said. “We need it on hand in places like this.”

WATCH: In Dec. 2023, we heard rave reviews about the machines.

State dept. sees Success with Narcan Vending Machines

Day Center CEO Mack Haltom said, “In fact, we used it last week. We saved a life in our building last week using the Narcan right out of this machine.”

Sasha Teel with the Mental Health Department told 2 News, “All those homeless shelters, including the Tulsa Day Center – we are going to be leaving them the stock and continually providing them stock to have on hand. It just won’t be in a vending machine.”

Story continues