‘Something’s got to give’: Woman struggling to get answers on code enforcement

Mary Munoz and her husband thought they found their retirement oasis in a peaceful Sand Springs neighborhood.

That is, until issues with their absent neighbor started to raise some red flags. Munoz said things got especially suspicious when a man they didn’t recognize wandered into her backyard.

“I was very taken aback that he got into the yard, and then I was taken aback, a bonfire, the weather wasn’t that cold, and then I started thinking, there’s no one home in there, so we must be having people living there, squatters,” she said.

The same person owns the two properties directly next to her.

Since moving in last year, Munoz has had to pay for exterminators and landscapers and will soon need to repair her fence because overgrown trees are breaking through the wood panels.

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The tall grass and weeds have led to mice, cock roaches, and even a snake making their way inside their home.

Munoz lives with her husband and son, who both have severe cognitive impairments. With overgrown grass and trees, Munoz’s main concern is so much as a match was lit, her entire home could go up in flames.

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