Oklahoma prosecutor accused of undermining abuse victims charged with crimes

A Tulsa prosecutor is accused of forcing domestic violence victims charged with crimes to give up their rights if they want plea agreements.

A recently enacted law, Senate Bill 1835 , known as the Oklahoma Survivors’ Act, lets domestic violence victims seek a sentence modification if they can show their abuse contributed to the crime.

Victims rights advocates say Tulsa County District Attorney Stephen Kunzweiler is requiring victims waive those rights if they enter a plea agreement.

“The idea that Tulsa District Attorney Kunzweiler would pressure domestic abuse survivors to give up their rights under this new law is appalling,” said Colleen McCarty, co-founder of the Oklahoma Survivor Justice Coalition and executive director of the Oklahoma Appleseed Center for Law and Justice. “Domestic abuse survivors deserve full protection and support as they navigate the legal system – not pressure from the District Attorney forcing them to relinquish their rights. We urge the District Attorney to cease this practice in the strongest possible terms.”

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