Free Support for Seniors in Washington: Services, Transportation, and More

Washington State offers a variety of free services for senior citizens aimed at enhancing their quality of life and providing support. There are many great services available just for the asking. Here are some ideas on where to start to locate services in your area.

Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) or Aging And Adult Care

These agencies provide various services, including meal programs, caregiver support, and health promotion activities. One phone call can connect seniors to a variety of services. They can also help with housing, transportation, and legal assistance resources.

Senior Centers

Many communities have senior centers offering free activities, social events, fitness classes, and educational workshops. Senior Centers also offer meals at a reduced price several times each week. If you want to get out and socialize, a senior center is a great way to connect with others.

Meals on Wheels

It provides free or low-cost meal delivery services to homebound seniors. Some senior centers also offer meal delivery several times per week.

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