Former Kmart property infrastructure project planned to begin Summer 2025

The city of Gresham is continuing to set the stage for future development of the former Kmart Property, working with the property owner to craft a vision for the 12-acres dominated by the sprawling parking lot and vacant retail building.

The most likely outcome is a commercial space at the corner of Burnside and Eastman Parkway, with the rest of the site being parceled into multi-family, multi-story, mixed-use buildings with commercial/retail and market rate apartments.

It is expected to bring approximately 700 new units of housing to Gresham, and early plans are for a “walkable, pedestrian-friendly environment with multiple connections throughout the development.”

The city is leveraging $3 million from Senate Bill 1530, to complete water, sewer and stormwater improvements, all of which are needed before any development is undertaken.

“This is a shot in the arm in the redevelopment of that site,” said City Manager Eric Schmidt.

All of this will come in phases. The city is hopeful that initial infrastructure for utilities and road improvements will begin in Summer 2025.

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