Clark County Public Works prepares for harsh winter weather

Clark County Public Works is ready for inclement winter weather, with six strategically located road maintenance sheds, prepared to provide swift response to poor road conditions in unincorporated areas. Road crews will respond to water over roadways, clogged catch basins, downed trees and similar weather-related issues.

“Our crews are prepared for any weather events that our region may experience,” Josh Lipscomb, Public Works road maintenance and operations division manager, stated in a Clark County news release.

Road crews will prioritize arterial and collector roads for blowing, sanding and deicing, the news release stated. Arterials are the main roads that provide access to highways and freeways. Collectors are roads that provide access to arterials. An interactive map of plowing and deicing routes can be found online at

Unincorporated Clark County residents can report hazardous road conditions in need of maintenance or clearing at, or by calling 564-397-2446. Downed power lines should be reported to Clark Public Utilities online at, or by calling 360-992-3000.

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