“When Grover first came in we weren’t sure he was gonna make it,” according to veterinarian Dr. Ann Marie Woyma.
“He was very very thin, all of his teeth were fractured and broken and diseased. He had a severe skin infection, severe flea infestation,” said Woyma.
Medical Director of the Virginia beach SPCA Dr. Ann Marie Woyma told me that the Bassett hound’s owners couldn’t afford to have him treated, so they brought him in to be put down.
News 3 Everyday Hero
Virginia Beach family-run pet store Polar Plunges for many reasons
Kurt Williams 7:26 PM, Jan 09, 2024
“We have seen an increase owner surrenders and a lot of these pet parents, it’s a choice they don’t want to make, but they don’t have any other options,” said Mandi Kowaleski of the Va. Beach SPCA.
Kowaleski said it’s a trend within the past few months, and she’s not surprised.
“We are in a veterinary crisis. We not only have a shortage of veterinarians but the costs are high. So when those costs go up It makes it harder on pet parents,” Kowaleski said.