Athlete’s family: Special Olympics means so much to ‘see her blossom and grow’

CHESAPEAKE, Va. — The Polar Plunge is a huge fundraiser for Special Olympics Virginia, which allows special needs athletes to compete in various sports throughout the year.

The annual plunge means so much to the athletes and their families, like the Cooke family of Chesapeake.

Nicole Cooke has been bowling with Special Olympics for 15 years.

“It makes me happy when I get a strike and not getting gutterballs,” Nicole told me. “I don’t like getting gutterballs.”

“It means taking pride in doing what she’s doing, showing, meeting new friends, showing other people how to do activities,” said Nicole’s mom, Melissa Cooke. “She takes pride in it. She’s become more outgoing, social. She loves talking to everybody and making friends.”

It’s also important to Cooke.

“It means a great deal because when you’re told your child has special needs and you don’t know what their future is going to be, seeing her blossom and grow it’s worth it all,” Cooke said.

And it’s not just bowling – over the years, Nicole has participated in soccer, basketball, swimming, and cheerleading.

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