Norfolk teen picked for Disney Dreamers Academy; gets free trip and mentorship

Five Virginia teens were chosen to be in the Disney Dreamer Academy and one of them lives right here in Hampton Roads.

Growing up in Norfolk’s Huntersville neighborhood, Elijah Moore, known as Rapper Kidd E, expresses himself with music.

“It’s like a hobby, it’s therapy, it’s my life,” said Moore.

“Where I come from, it’s not the best environment, so I try to stay focused on being successful and not taking the wrong path,” he said.

He’s already written and recorded two albums.

“He’s talking from lived experience what he cares about, what he thinks about it,” said Diedre Love, Founder and CEO of Teens with a Purpose.

Elijah has spent many days after school at Teens with a Purpose, a neighborhood community center. Love has watched Elijah grow up.

“He’s a very unique and uniquely talented [person],” said Love.

News 3 featured him in a story a few years ago after his anti-violence video was released.

Positively Hampton Roads

9-year-old rap artist in Norfolk says he hopes to end violence and bullying one song at a time

Aleah Hordges 5:51 PM, Apr 06, 2018

Story continues