Norfolk witch leads ritual to heal ‘Fairy Tree’ in wake of limb removal

As light rain fell Thursday night, witch Ashley Branton placed a crystal, sprinkled salt and a lit candle around the base of the Fairy Tree.

Several of the tree’s branches were shorn close to its trunk and residents are concerned it is damaged. Well-wishers gathered to heal it.

Norfolk’s public works department recently pruned trees in the Larchmont neighborhood for a project, including the Fairy Tree — which has brought a bit of magic into people’s lives since the pandemic.

Eight people stood in a circle around the crape myrtle and on the sidewalk, ready to send it good vibes and renewed positive energy.

Lisa Suhay, who lives near the tree, handed out laminated pieces of paper with a masthead reading “BELIEVER,” a picture of a fairy and the words to a healing rite Branton read aloud.

“I cleanse myself and this grove with light and loving energy … This space is now replenished, reborn, and renewed with hope, kindness, love and community.”

The crape myrtle became the Fairy Tree in 2020 when Suhay placed a small sign inviting children to write letters to the fairies who lived in it. Ever since, thousands of children visit the tree each year, and the fairies always reply to the kids’ letters, usually within 24 hours, with handwritten notes. The Library of Congress named the crape myrtle a “Witness Tree” to the events of the pandemic.

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