Norfolk church has 31 windows broken from vandalization

In Norfolk, an Ocean View church is praying for a miracle after a senseless act of vandalism was caught on camera.

Senior Pastor Troy Garrett of ‘Ocean View Light House Church’ says a major crime was committed.

Sometime between Wednesday and Thursday morning, the church’s Ring camera caught someone throwing large landscaping stones through thirty-one windows of the church, damaging the outside and inside.

“It was almost like someone had a glitter cannon glass was just everywhere big shards small, blocks, it was just a mess,” explained Pastor Troy.

Because of the damage, Garrett has to find a way to foot the bill of more than $30,000 just to fix the windows.

Shortly after the vandalism on Wednesday, members of the church stepped up to board up the windows.

“It was amazing because we had a lot of people show up yesterday and we cleaned up everything in less than 2 hours,” explained Garrett.

“Right now, I don’t know when our food pantry is going to be reopened because you have to make sure all the food is good. We do a community dinner every last Wednesday of the month​ so that’s up in the air right now. A lot of our community events are slowed down,”

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