Ft. Eustis soldiers trade operating room for obstacle course in field exercise

For a group of about 100 soldiers training in a remote area near the James River, it’s far from a typical day at the office. This team from the U.S. Army Medical Activity of Fort Eustis usually works in an operating room, not on an obstacle course.

“Usually, I’m the one that, like, draws the blood, deals with the body fluids in the back of a lab in the hospital,” explains Army Specialist Hannah Goodman, a medical lab technician.

But, what’s happening here is all part of the job. The Army invited me to watch this field training exercise. It’s designed to help these soldiers, assigned to the McDonald Army Health Center, work better as a team.

“You need to know how to work together,” Goodman adds. “It’s problem solving, critical thinking skills, you know, be able to be quick on your feet.”

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Captain Kyle Motyka is the company commander. He’s watching to see who steps up in these exercises — how soldiers with different jobs come together when it counts.

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