Construction begins this month on widening Elbow Road in Virginia Beach

After years of talks on widening Virginia Beach’s side of Elbow Road construction will finally begin on the 1.5 mile project this month.

Watch: Virginia Beach’s Elbow Road may start widening this summer

Widening of Elbow Road could begin at the end of summer

“It’s pretty quiet you very seldom see cars passing through here,” Nemesio Chavez, who lives in the Hillcrest Farms neighborhood, said.

Chavez has lived at his home since the 90s and says traffic never really comes into his neighborhood but that will soon change.

The entrance to his neighborhood will become part of the long-awaited expansion of Elbow Road. John Hood

“It’s a huge relief for us to get across the goal line here,” David Jarman, Transportation Division Manager, with Virginia Beach Public Works, said.

The idea for the widening has been around since 1985 and appeared in the city’s capital improvement program (CIP).

It was later accepted as a VDOT project and the city assumed the responsibilities of the project in 2003.

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