Portsmouth cancer survivor goes to DC to advocate for cancer funding, research

The American Cancer Society is making a plea to lawmakers for more funding for cancer research.

Portsmouth cancer survivor Kim Anderson is helping make that plea.

“I was diagnosed at 32 years old with breast cancer,” Anderson explained.

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Pictures show Kim Anderson during her battle against triple-negative breast cancer.

Now, she is among hundreds of people across the country traveling to Washington, D.C. They’re participating in the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network Leadership Summit and Lobby Day.

https://img.particlenews.com/image.php?url=12DzBV_0vbKTaia00 Kim Anderson
https://img.particlenews.com/image.php?url=3TFzIp_0vbKTaia00 Kim Anderson

“It’s very important that we speak to our Congressional delegation,” Anderson said.

She believes advocacy is helping improve cancer treatment, but says more funding and research is needed.

“We need those investments for future cancer investors to actually go ahead and quite possibly fund the next possible cancer treatment for our new cancer patients and also for the cancer patients who have ongoing cancer treatments,” Anderson said. “There quite possibly could be a cure somewhere out there.”

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