After multiple fatal accidents, a Virginia Beach cyclist puts the brakes on road cycling

NORFOLK, Va. (WAVY) — After a near-death experience in the Pungo section of Virginia Beach in 2021, competitive cyclist Bruce Mimran recovered and set out on a mission to educate the public about cycling safety.

“I had a severe traumatic brain injury, I had a fractured skull, I had a fractured pelvic region, I had a fractured sacrum, my fifth lumbar was fractured, my arm was fractured, and my lung was collapsed,” Mimran said. “My plan was, we need an understanding between the city and motorists and cyclists. So there should be a protocol where cyclists behave a certain way, motorists behave a certain way, and I’ve gotten nowhere with that.”

Multiple fatal incidents later, including the recent death of a cyclist in Virginia Beach , Mimran put the brakes on his favorite form of fitness, saying it has become too dangerous and vitriolic.

“What I’ve encountered while I’m cycling motorists yelling at me, ‘Get off the wall, blah blah road. What are you doing,’ Mimran said, “motorists that get angry and come over and brush me because they want to just try and send me a message. I mean, people honking their horns, yelling.”

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