Elizabeth River Project highlighted for cleaning and restoring local waterways

World Rivers Day is a celebration of the world’s waterways, and we have many of them here throughout Hampton Roads.

I visited the Elizabeth River Project’s Ryan Resilience Lab on the Elizabeth River in Norfolk to highlight the incredible work they’ve done to clean and restore the river.

“We consider the Elizabeth River to be the dominant natural feature of Southampton roads,” said Marjorie Mayfield Jackson, the executive director of the Elizabeth River Project.

Watch more: Elizabeth River Project receives funding for last phase on Money Point cleanup

Elizabeth River Project receives funding for last phase on Money Point cleanup

Mayfield Jackson made some time to chat with us about the importance of the watershed throughout our area.

“It actually contributes to a sense of well-being for our community,” she explained.

She tells me rivers create a sense of quality of life for any region, helping shape our culture, economy and environment.

Watch similar coverage: Elizabeth River Project celebrates completion of Ryan Resilience Lab in Norfolk

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