Hampton wants to expand traffic photo enforcement to include stop sign cameras

Hampton officials want the General Assembly to allow the city to start using photo enforcement to catch and fine people who drive past stop signs without stopping.

City Council is reviewing a draft of its legislative agenda, which it plans to finalize in November. The agenda is a list of priorities it wants state lawmakers to champion during the upcoming General Assembly session.

One of the requests discussed last week was to amend the Virginia code to allow for the use of photo enforcement of stop sign infractions in areas with a high percentage of violations. Ed Reed of Two Capitols Consulting, who walked the council through the legislative proposal, said residents and neighborhood leaders have cited this as a need.

Reed said the authority for stop sign enforcement would be similar to what the city has already done with speed and red-light cameras. Earlier this year, Hampton deployed speed cameras around some schools. Drivers caught going 10 mph over the limit are subject to a $100 fine. The city also began using red-light cameras that fine drivers $50 for crossing a red light.

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