Despite the new Judeo-Christian Outreach Center (JCOC) still under construction, that didn’t stop volunteers from passing out over 400 meals to those in need in Virginia Beach on Christmas Eve.
Inside Mount Olive Baptist Church, Silent Night was being played by musicians to give a festive atmosphere.
The banquet hall resonated with the sounds of utensils clattering on plates, conversations, and laughter as volunteers distributed hundreds of meals put together by Virginia Senator Bill DeSteph and members of the JCOC.
Watch Christmas coverage: Virginia Beach woman plays Santa for teens experiencing homelessness
Virginia Beach woman plays Santa for hundreds of teens experiencing homelessness
“It’s a tradition I do every year because it’s the right thing to do,” Sen. DeSteph said. “This is about being able to touch individuals that I see on Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve. We’ve been able to help many people with different issues, from birth certificates to proper IDs.”
Among those receiving assistance was Michael Morris, a man currently living on the streets of Virginia Beach.