Norfolk parents indicted in infant’s homicide case

NORFOLK, Va. (WAVY) — The parents accused in the death of their 9-day-old daughter were indicted by a grand jury on Wednesday.

Norfolk parents charged in death of 9-day-old daughter to face grand jury

The murder trial for Hilary Johnson and Z’Breyea Parker is now scheduled to start on Aug. 19.

The two were charged with second-degree murder and child abuse in May 2024. The investigation began after a child protection call at the Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters.

Court documents stated that their daughter, I’ijayah showed signs of abuse including lacerations, burns to the feet, bruises and signs of shaken baby syndrome.

According to previous coverage, a detective told the court that the parents were living in a tent near Brambleton Avenue and I-264 when I’ijayah was born. Johnson reportedly told the detective that the infant was injured after she fell out of a stroller…

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