Navigating Maryland Knife Laws: A Guide for Pocket Knife Owners

Maryland – Maryland’s knife laws offer a comprehensive framework governing the ownership and carrying of pocket knives, a topic of significance for both residents and visitors. These regulations, while not overly restrictive, emphasize the importance of understanding local laws to ensure compliance and avoid legal complications.

Carrying Knives in Maryland

Maryland law allows for the carrying of pocket knives, both in a concealed and open manner, with certain restrictions. Generally, carrying a concealed dangerous weapon is prohibited in the state. However, pocket knives with a manual folding blade are an exception and can be carried concealed regardless of their size, provided they are not used with unlawful or harmful intent​​. Additionally, the open carry of any pocketknife with a foldable blade is permissible, as long as there is no malicious intent towards others​​.

Restrictions and Exemptions

Specific restrictions apply in certain areas and situations. For instance, carrying any dangerous weapon, including pocket knives, on public school property is illegal​​. Minors, those under 16 years old, face limitations on carrying dangerous weapons during specific times, primarily around sunrise and sunset​​. There are also exemptions for certain individuals such as law enforcement officers and participants in authorized historical demonstrations​​.

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