Hero returns home to surprise welcome after an Honor Flight to Washington D.C.

Joseph Katancik served in World War II, the Korean War and Vietnam. This spry 94-year-old flew back to Boise after an Honor Flight trip to our nation’s capital.

The Honor Flight has a mission of gratitude to thank heroes for their service and sacrifice as this non-profit rolls out the red carpet for veterans to tour the Arlington National Cemetery, the monuments, and the memorials.


“The highlight of the whole trip was the changing of the guard,” said Joseph, an Air Force veteran. “The Air Force Memorial way up there had three big spires just you can’t explain it.”

Joseph had trouble putting this once-in-a-lifetime trip into words and when he arrived in Boise those emotions came out again as he was moved to see his friends, family, and his wife Midge.


“She’s the most beautiful woman in the world,” said Joseph. I’ve been married to her for 56 years.”

Here in Idaho Joseph belongs to the American Legion, the Disabled American Veterans, and the Veterans of Foreign Wars. He spends a lot of time with these groups and they are the ones that put together the surprise at the airport.

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