Families of Key Bridge victims to take legal action against Dali owner, say tragedy was preventable

Almost six months after the cargo ship Dali crashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge, the families of three of the six construction workers who died in the collapse announced plans Tuesday to pursue legal action against the ship company.

The families are challenging a petition the company filed in April, where Grace Ocean Private, the owner of the Dali, and Synergy Marine Group, the manager of the ship, asked for exoneration from or limitation of liability in U.S. District Court in Baltimore. The companies allege they are not responsible to “any fault, neglect, or want of care” and any “loss or damage” that happened without their privity or knowledge.

… this story continues. Read the rest at The Baltimore Banner: Families of Key Bridge victims to take legal action against Dali owner, say tragedy was preventable

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Families of Key Bridge victims to take legal action against Dali owner, say tragedy was preventable was originally published on wolbbaltimore.com

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