Breakfast With Champions Offers Daily Motivation on Clubhouse, Have You Heard of Them?

West Palm Beach, Fl – In a world where motivation, education, and inspiration are more important than ever, Breakfast With Champions is making waves on the Clubhouse app, a social audio platform for smartphones. Best of all, these rooms are always free.

Breakfast With Champions ensures that everyone has a seat at the table, right from their phone. This innovative series of rooms provides daily doses of motivation, education, and inspiration, creating a unique space for personal growth and community building.

Clubhouse, the app hosting Breakfast With Champions, began as a social media startup by Paul Davison and Rohan Seth in the fall of 2019. Initially designed for podcasts under the name Talkshow, the app was rebranded as “Clubhouse” and officially released for iOS in March 2020. The app gained popularity during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, reaching 600,000 registered users by December 2020. By January 2021, Clubhouse had around 2 million active weekly users. The app’s downloads surged to 8.1 million by mid-February 2021, driven by appearances from celebrities like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg. Despite reaching over 10 million weekly active users a year after its release, the user base declined by 21% over three weeks from late February to early March.

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