‘It was a Godsend’: Special needs ministry feeds faith and friendship

At United Methodist Church of the Palm Beaches, Sundays at the gathering place are sacred. It is here that differences are embraced in a world where they’re not always understood.

“Too often in the churches, if somebody makes a noise that they shouldn’t be making, the usher may take them out or whatever,” said Pastor Phyllis Parthemer, who founded the ministry.

To understand how her revelation came about to start a special needs ministry for young adults, you have to go back to her genesis.

“It was a Godsend for sure. So, I had just gone through a divorce, so my family had gone through a divorce. I brought my girls with me to the church here, and as I was sitting in the congregation, the pastor at the time said that he really feels it heavy on his heart that God is telling him to start a special needs ministry. And I’m like, literally my mouth drops open,” Parthemer said.

https://img.particlenews.com/image.php?url=0zKu1M_0uBtn79c00 WPTV
The original Three Amigos who made up Through The Roof Ministry at United Methodist Church of the Palm Beaches in West Palm Beach.

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