How much would new millage rate save Delray Beach residents?

Saving money has been top of mind for so many of you, especially as the cost of living has gone up.

Cities like Delray Beach report that it’s population has grown 7% from 62,828 in 2014 to 67,536 in 2024.

They also report that the cost of living has increased by 35%-50% over the past decade and that construction costs have risen by 40%.

One possible solution by the city is millage rates.

Millage rates are the tax the city assesses based on individual property values.

The issue is, since the city can’t control what property values are, they can reduce the burden on homeowners through millage rates.

In a special meeting Thursday in Delray Beach, commissioners voted 3-2 to approve a millage rate of 5.9063.

“I certainty think our citizens here deserve this break,” said Mayor Tom Carney.

Carney suggested the 5.9063 rate, which is lower than the 6.0611 that was suggested by city staff.

He voted in favor of the lower rate and said during the meeting that it was a part of his campaign promise.

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