Riviera Beach backs away from property tax cut in preliminary vote on 2025 budget

The Riviera Beach City Council gave preliminary approval to a $199 million budget Thursday, Sept. 5, that does not include the modest property tax reduction city staff members had recommended .

Instead of the property tax rate being reduced to $8.29 per $1,000 of assessed property value, it will remain at $8.35 per $1,000 of assessed property value. Staff members had recommended a reduction in the property tax rate — frequently referred to as the millage rate — as a way to cushion the blow of future increases in debt-service costs as the city moved ahead with a series of large-scale and expensive infrastructure and development projects.

Even if council members had agreed to reduce the property tax rate, most homeowners would still have seen larger property tax bills because of rising property values.

Council members said the importance of having property tax owners face an increase only slightly less than they would have at the reduced rate was outweighed by the city’s expansive infrastructure needs, which includes an estimated $98 million in roadway repairs and a new water treatment facility expected to cost more than $300 million .

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