Palm Beach Society: Gallery gathering shines a light on plight of elephants

Palm Beach animal lovers are often pigeonholed as “dog people” or “cat people” and sometimes “bird people.”

But an animal lover is an animal lover, and they step up to help any creature, great or small.

In this case, it’s the former.

More Palm Beach society news here.

The Brintz Gallery opened its doors for a reception to honor the International Fund For Animal Welfare and its ongoing elephant initiative. The ‘New Hope for Elephants’ event took place April 17 and honored the IFAW’s Room to Roam project.

Lisa Brintz a nd Jennifer Pos t were chairwomen for the evening, which included cocktails, hors d’oeuvres and remarks from IFAW chairman Mark Beaudouin who shared insights on the innovative campaign.

After his remarks, Beaudouin led the group in a lively (code word for ‘contentious’) discussion about opportunities for Palm Beachers to help save elephants by breaking the cycle of environmental impoverishment which threatens wildlife.

Disclosure: We had to Google “environmental impoverishment,” which was a new one to us.

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