DUI incident turns arrest after racial tirades in Palm Beach

A late-night traffic stop in Palm Beach County, Florida escalated into a racially-charged confrontation when a female driver launched into an aggressive tirade against police officers who initially planned to let her go with a warning.

According to Daily Mail, Christina Laboy, 46, was pulled over for driving over 100 mph while swerving across lanes when the incident occurred.

The situation began calmly as officers conducted a routine sobriety test after Laboy admitted to having a glass of wine earlier that evening. Despite her failing to walk in a straight line during the test, the officers determined there wasn’t enough evidence to warrant a DUI arrest and were prepared to release her with just a warning.

Police Officers Display Professional Conduct Under Verbal Attack

The confrontation took an ugly turn when Laboy made unprovoked racial comments toward the black male officer and his female colleague. After being informed she would be let go, Laboy inexplicably suggested race was a factor in the traffic stop…

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