Food giveaway helps Wichita food desert

WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) — Some families have extra food to help them get through the month, thanks to a food giveaway in northeast Wichita this afternoon.

The Urban League of Kansas , the Kansas Food Bank , and Bank of America teamed up to provide fresh produce and other food items during the drive-thru event in the Urban League’s back parking lot.

“Sometimes people don’t have enough money to make it through the month, and so they have to make a choice between whether it be prescription drugs or food, and so we’re trying to do what we can to help make a difference in that choice,” Pastor C. Richard Kirkendoll, Urban League Guild president said.

Wichita School Board Member Lavonta Williams is on the Urban League Board. She was one of the many people helping with the event. She said they do not ask people to provide proof of income or evidence of need.
Vehicles line up for food during the Urban League of Kansas’ monthly food giveaway. (KSN News Photo)

“There are no questions asked. We just want to know are you needing food for one family in this car or do you have two families in this car,” Williams said. “We’re giving out masks as well because we know that there is a need for masks again because we’ve heard of COVID slipping back in in particular areas, and so we want to make sure that they have the masks they need.”

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