Wichita youth boxing club gives at-risk youth a safe space

WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) — A Wichita youth boxing club, fighting to keep their doors open. Tracey Mason Sr. started CHD Boxing as a way to give at-risk kids He trains, a safe space to stay out of trouble. He has been able to offer sessions for free to parents for five years, but he said, it is to the point where they need help from the community.

“Paying bills when it’s free and you’re not receiving the funds on a consistent basis, sooner or later the doors are going to close,” said Mason Senior.

Coach Mason Sr. has kept the boxing sessions free, but offering life lessons comes at a cost.

“To have a safe space for the young people, it’s a struggle to do it by yourself yourself, I’ve sold my car and my truck, I’ve worked three and four jobs,” said Mason Senior.

Steering the youth in a positive direction is his goal.

“To be better than me, to not go down the same roads that I went down, so I went down some roads that I did not have to go down, because I made some bad choices and bad decisions, so mine is to have them make great choices and great decisions,” said Mason Senior.

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