School district doubles down on active shooter protocol with technology

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HAYSVILLE, Kansas ( KAKE ) — “It’s a sad thing when that happens anywhere. Unfortunately, it’s something we have come to know as a society. We have to deal with it day in and day out now,” said Haysville Schools Operations Director B.J. Knudson.

Like many others, Knudson has spent the week with a heavy heart after a shooting at a Georgia high school killed four people and injured nine others.

“It’s only a matter of time, you know. It keeps getting closer and closer to home. And you know, we just have to stay vigilant on making sure we keep our policies in place,” said Knudson.

Knudson says it was a reminder for him that tragedies like this can happen anywhere, on any day, and it’s important to make sure you’re prepared.

He says the Haysville School District has a very detailed emergency plan posted throughout the school, and it’s also printed on the back of every employee badge.

On top of diligent employee training, Knudson says the school pays for an updated emergency alert app that every employee has and can activate at any time if something happens.

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