Wichitan whose brother died by suicide speaks on Suicide Prevention Month

Editor’s note: This story talks about suicide and may be triggering for some viewers/readers.

WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) – One suicide is too many. When it’s your family, it’s very tough to process the anger, grief and regret. KSN speaks with a woman who is processing her loss by helping those struggling.

September is Suicide Prevention Month.

Esther Granados says she feels her brother’s presence in a memory box, even after nine years.

“There’s times that it still feels like it’s literally the day that he died,” said Granados.

That day is imprinted in Granados’ memory.

“It was like 3:30 in the morning, and my sister called me, and it was just devastating. I mean, I remember just being like, ‘This cannot be real,’” said Granados.

Her brother Vincent died by suicide at the age of 22. She says he struggled with his mental health his whole life and with suicidal ideations.

“From the day that he died, we decided as a family like, ‘We’re not going to be quiet about it.’ ‘We’re going to be mental health advocates and do what we can,’” said Granados.

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