Local food banks ask community to remember them after the holidays

WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) – Many think of giving during the holiday season, but local food banks ask you to remember them in the coming weeks.

There is a lot to feel good about this time of year, with organizations and individual people giving extra help. Food banks have been very busy collecting food and distributing it. Still, several say it’s not over until after Christmas and even the New Year holiday. In Marion County, they say the coming weeks are when they need help more than ever.

“One of the things that we see here in our community, after the holidays, is we still see a significant need for those who are short on food or have lower resources,” said Jeremiah Lange, the pastor at Marion Presbyterian Church and the president of the Marion County Food Bank Board.

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With the holidays in full swing, many Kansans have stepped up to help those in need. Both the Marion County Food Bank and New Jerusalem Missions in Newton have seen a good volunteer response this year in feeding the homeless and those in need.

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