Wichita’s emergency winter shelter feeds 220 during winter storm, seeks community help to serve more

WICHITA, Kan. (KWCH) – The Wichita Emergency Winter Shelter has helped more than 200 people since Tuesday, Feb. 18, according to Humankind Ministries. The organization which operates the shelter said each person was provided with a safe and warm place to stay.

The shelter has yet to finalize the total count of guests but said 220 people were served dinner. The men’s sleeping area, which has a total of 128 beds, was at capacity. A limited number of bunks were available in the men’s overflow area which has 66 beds. The women’s sleeping area, which can accommodate 72 people, also had a few remaining bunks. The shelter said this demonstrates the high demand for shelter services.

Additionally, the community room provided shelter for about 48 people who were unable or did not want to secure a bed in one of the designated sleeping areas…

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