Wichita ranked one of the fattest cities in the US

WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) — Wichita is ranked as one of the fattest cities in the U.S.

The report from the personal finance site WalletHub examines the 100 largest cities in the United States to determine which ranks highest in its “2025 Overweight and Obese Cities in the U.S.” report. To create their list, WalletHub examined various metrics, including overweight and obesity rates, access to healthy food and recreation, rates of high cholesterol, high blood pressure, type II diabetes, heart disease, and obesity-related death rates.

The United States has the highest rates of obese and overweight people compared to any other country. According to the Centers for Disease Control, two in five Americans adults are obese , and the healthcare costs associated with being obese or overweight are over $100 billion each year…

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