Ex-Wilmington officer pleads guilty to COVID loan fraud, Delaware at Grammys, Super Bowl

Welcome to your Sunday morning, Delaware.

I think it’s due to be sunny and fairly mild today, so take advantage of it.

In the days ahead, we will have lots of stories to help you prepare for Super Bowl Sunday, Valentine’s Day and more. Stick with us, we love your company:

So, have you tuned into the new season of “Feud’’ yet on Hulu/FX? If so, don’t miss the local connections explored by Patricia Talorico.

Are you planning to stay up late tonight to watch the Grammys? We have a preview of a former UD student with a slew of nomination right here.

And finally, Ryan Cormier will have stories coming this week on “One Love,’’ the new film about former Delawarean Bob Marley, so definitely stick around for that!

And now, more news …

Ex-Wilmington officer pleads guilty to getting pandemic loan to pay workers he didn’t have

A former Wilmington police sergeant has pleaded guilty to fraudulently obtaining a pandemic loan claiming he needed it to pay employees he didn’t have at his personal fitness business he operated out of his home in Bear, according to court documents obtained by Delaware Online/The News Journal.

Story continues