Fish fries at churches in Delaware return Feb. 16 with the start of the Lenten season

Boy Scout Troop 283 is celebrating its 20th annual Lenten Fish Fry on Friday, March 15, a takeout-only event at St. Margaret of Scotland Parish in Newark.

Ash Wednesday is Feb. 14 and marks the beginning of the 40 days of Lent when Catholic tradition calls for abstaining from eating meat on Fridays as a penitential practice.

Knights of Columbus groups and other organizations often offer reasonably priced Lenten seafood meals on Fridays at area churches, though none will be serving on Good Friday, March 29, when Catholics are obligated to fast.

Some, like Boy Scout Troop 283, offer one-day-only dinners. Takeout, from 4:30 to 7 p.m. on March 15 at St. Margaret of Scotland on 2431 Frazer Road will include beer-battered haddock, fried shrimp, a haddock and shrimp combo and macaroni and cheese.

All meals, $13-$22, include french fries, macaroni salad, coleslaw and dessert. New this year is a 3-ounce, $7 crab cake as well as clam chowder, $6. The group prepares, beer-batters and fries up to 200 pounds of fish each year and makes about 400 pounds of french fries. Tickets are available at

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