New Jersey Attorney Charged with Smuggling Contraband into Philadelphia Federal Detention Center

Paul DiMaio, a 56-year-old attorney from Turnersville, New Jersey, has been charged with sneaking contraband into the Federal Detention Center Philadelphia (FDC). Acting U.S. Attorney Nelson S.T. Thayer, Jr. disclosed that DiMaio was taken into custody following allegations of providing prohibited items to an inmate, an act captured by the FDC’s vigilant surveillance system.

On the morning of February 4, according to a press release from the Department of Justice, DiMaio can be seen entering the facility with two folders, only to emerge with one after an 18-minute meeting with an inmate, interestingly not his client. The potential breach of protocol led to the confiscation of one folder from the inmate, which revealed a cache of contraband, including a Motorola cell phone, charging cord, suboxone strips, and cigarettes.

Also implicated in this episode is Tanya Culver, a 55-year-old Philadelphia resident mother of another inmate. The complaint suggests Culver was involved in the acquisition and transport of the contraband, collaborating with DiMaio and accompanying him to the FDC that day. Each defendant, if convicted, faces a sentence of up to five years and a fine possibly reaching $250,000…

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