Delmarva Power Reminds Delaware Customers to Take Action to Secure Energy Assistance

Delmarva Power is reminding customers to take advantage of Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) funding for the winter heating period, which runs through March 31st. Customers are advised to act now to seek out assistance, as LIHEAP is a first come, first serve program and is only available until funding runs out. Grants are provided up to $2,561 in Delaware, with no payback required. Requirements include a household’s income, type of fuel and type of dwelling. Homeowners, renters, roomers, and subsidized housing tenants may also be eligible. Customers do not have to be behind on their bills to receive a grant.

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Last year, Delmarva Power connected 8,400 Delaware customers to approximately $8.8 million in energy assistance…

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